Hair lighteners (bleach) are ... and were... such an important part of every colorists'
tool box. I remember a brief period in the 1990's, when a number of salons were
TERRIFIED of bleach!
Using lightener properly takes a bit of effort, interest, and consumption of time.
So, when manufacturers began producing new, super light, high -lift blonde shades
of permanent hair color, thousands of colorists, for a time, believed that they no longer needed to purchase or to use bleach. This was not always the best choice.
As we have learned, high lift blonde shades, unlike bleach, are unable
to remove underlying golden-orange pigment (phaeomelanin) from the
Every talented colorist hopes to protect the hair as it lightens. To that end, several companies have created bonding products. These are fine tools, because they
create a bonding "bridge" to reinforce hair strength as it lightens. However, nothing
is magic.. and when di-sulfonic bonds in the hair are broken down during the lightening
process, they cannot be re- mended 100 percent. Clients are urged to maintain hair condition at home; using a branded bonding conditioner between salon visits.
Let's consider successful hair lightening science.. from a color chemist's point of view. Every
chemist I have been honored to meet, has shared that keeping hair "wet" during the lightening process is absolutely critical for a number of reasons. First, when lightener is
permitted to dry out during application, the lifting action of the product is reduced, and
might even stop working as expected. AND; as important, chemistry has advanced. New
lighteners mixed with very special dedicated developers condition and protect hair
strength as the hair lightens! Several brands offer these unique lightener combinations
that help colorists obtain wonderful "lift" of both natural and synthetic color, while they
support never-before possible maintenance of hair condition during the lightening process. Your salon's manufacturer representative can suggest your best options.
Transitioning darker hair color levels toward a blonde result, while maintaining superior hair condition is a key focus of the chemists at Artego's laboratories in Italy. They have formulated a unique lightening system which includes two types of lightener.
One is a powder lightener, and the other is a CREME LIGHTENER (formerly known as a "paste"). This is a two part lightening system: The bleach is
mixed with a dedicated developer which controls, conditions and moisturizes the hair..
Remember, "The wetter hair stays while it is being bleached, the better the result".
Artego's LOVELY LIGHTS SYSTEM was created to carefully lighten delicate hair... hair
that is fine, thin, perhaps previously lightened or chemically altered.
The LOVELY LIGHTS CREME LIGHTENER is housed in a one pound
"squeezable" container, -- easily dispensed and leak-proof.. terrific for both on and off scalp application. To create wonderful, conditioning results it is mixed exclusively with
LOVELY LIGHTS Developer (one liter).. available in strengths of 10, 20, 30 and 40 volume. LOVELY LIGHTS POWDER LIGHTENER provides great, conditioning
lift for "off scalp" application. It, too, is mixed with LOVELY LIGHTS Developer.
For more information, or to order, please contact your ARTEGO representative or go to:
https://artegousa./contact .