Be Inspired! Join me with hair color host Chris Zamastil, for a day of detailed learning, color
technique, demonstration, hands-on experience, and a renewed sense of "community".
10AM - 5PM, Monday, April 25th. Share the friendship with career colorists like you, at the beautiful PENTHOUSE, Atop 633, NORTH AND VINE, West North Avenue, Chicago, 60610.
Our up-close-and-personal session is limited to twenty five attendees. So, our interactive
session embraces your opportunity to comment, ask questions, and to photograph and
video anything you desire. Chris and I will demonstrate, (step-by-step) on three "live" models,
and you will be a part of creating a living swatch chart during our hands-on portion of the program.
There is almost TOO MUCH new hair color science, chemistry and color options coming
our way. Let me share "what's up". Be aware and critical of what manufacturers are bringing our way. IMMERSION INTO HAIR COLOR is NOT A COMMERCIAL. I do not
represent a manufacturer, so I include products from both "tried and true" and
newer manufacturers. As a career colorist, you enjoy seeing various techniques and color
options. So, the way you prefer to work is entirely up to YOU!.
Our lives as career colorists cost more now than they ever did: Financially, emotionally and
physically. Let's share our techniques in salon survival and life lessons, during a day of
investment in YOUR CAREER and in YOU as an individual. I look forward to seeing
you in class. REGISTRATION OPTIONS will be posted here on BethMinardi-ALLACCESS
today. We look forward to seeing you in class.