A salon needs everything required to successfully perform a color service. — however, how much is ‘too much”? Products COST MONEY.
First: Know your clientele. Stop purchasing 6 pc or more of shades you do not use, or shades you rarely use. Think about stocking one or two pieces of those shades.
Next: Just because a color brand includes 80 -100 shades and using new shades is enjoyable, my experience leads me to understand that most of us DO NOT need to stock every single shade a company makes. So, when you want to try a new shade… buy one or two pieces of that shade… no need to purchase 6-12 tubes of that shade!
In Most casss, ( and just my observation). salons do not need a huge inventory of black ( Level 1) hair color! If you strand test a Level. 3 ASH brown shade you may be surprised that when mixed, applied and processed properly— the result is very dark, rich and almost ‘black’.
There’s much to share here. Comment if you’d like to provide your insight.. or if you have aquestion! B