Examine the current natural level of the hair color you plan to change
Write down this level of the natrual hair color
Next, choose and write down the level of the color formula you plan to apply
Add these two numbers together.
Divide by 2........... THIS WILL BE THE FINAL LEVEL, created by the color you applied
Example: The client is natural level 2 (dark brown). You apply a formula of level 6 (dark
2 (Natural Level +
6. (Level of Color Formula = 8
8 Divided by 2 Equals 4
4 Is The Resulting Level (Light Brown)
Note: While developer volume will SLIGHTLY affect lift.. deeper or lighter, depending on developer volume, the level result will not vary markedly .
It is the combination of natural starting level AND
the level of the color formula applied that combine to creaet the
final color level. B